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Kat.nr: LiCD 3167 |

i n d e
x :
A woman is a sometime thing
Porgy's entré: The cotton hook
Gone, gone, gone
Overflow 1 & 2
My man's gone now
Leavin' for the promise' lan'
I got plenty o nuttin'
The buzzard song
Bess, you is my woman now
I ain't got no shame
It ain't necessarily so
I loves you porgy
A red headed woman
Clara, Clara
Porgy's theme
There's a boat that's leavin' soon for New York
Oh Bess, oh where's my Bess
m e d v
e r k a n d e :
Bernt Rosengren - tenorsaxofon
Carl-Fredrik Orrje - piano
Per-Ola Gadd - bas
Bengt Stark - trummor
Finns även hos